Many OTR episodes were adapted from the novels, short stories and plays of major writers. As such, I have listed below my reviews by author, followed by my star rating and the series which produced it (linking to the actual review). Where stories were adapted for more than one series, the first listed is the one with my full review.
Anderson, Poul
The Light (***) - X Minus One
Arr, Steven
Chain of Command (***) - X Minus One
Asimov, Isaac
The C-Chute (****) - X Minus One
Hostess (****) - X Minus One
Nightfall (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Pebble in the Sky (***) - Dimension X
Benét, Stephen Vincent
Elementals (***) - Suspense
The King of the Cats (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Nightmare [original story: 'The Revolt of the Machines'] (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Bentley, E. C.
Trent's Last Case (****) - Suspense
Blake, Nicholas
The Beast Must Die (****) - Suspense
Blish, James
Surface Tension (***) - X Minus One
Bloch, Robert
Almost Human (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Bond, Nelson
The Vital Factor [original story: 'Vital Factor'] (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Bradbury, Ray
Hail and Farewell (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Kaleidoscope (*****) - Suspense / Dimension X [****]
Marionettes, Inc. (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Riabouchinska (*****) - Suspense
To the Future (*****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Screaming Woman (*****) - Suspense
Season of Disbelief (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
The Veldt (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Zero Hour (*****) - Suspense / Dimension X [****] / X Minus One [****]
The Martian Chronicles (episodes in order of book chapters)
The Martian Chronicles (***) - Dimension X
Mars Is Heaven ['The Third Expedition'] (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
And the Moon Be Still as Bright (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Dwellers in Silence ['The Long Years'] (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
There Will Come Soft Rains (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Brown, Fredric
Knock (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Honeymoon in Hell (***) - X Minus One
The Last Martian (**) - X Minus One
Budrys, Algis
Protective Mimicry (***) - X Minus One
Burke, Thomas
The Hands of Mr. Ottermole (***) - Suspense
Burrage, A. M.
The Waxwork (*****) - Suspense
Carr, John Dickson
The Burning Court (***) - Suspense
Cabin B-13 [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
The Customers Like Murder [original radio play] (**) - Suspense
The Dead Sleep Lightly [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
The Devil in the Summer House [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
The Lord of the Witch Doctors [original radio play] (*) - Suspense
Menace in Wax [original radio play] (**) - Suspense
Nothing Up My Sleeve [original radio play] (**) - Suspense
Will You Make a Bet with Death? [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
Carter, Paul
The Last Objective (*) - Dimension X
Chandler, Raymond
Pearls Are a Nuisance (*****) - Suspense
Cheever, John
The Enormous Radio (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Christie, Agatha
The ABC Murders (***) - Suspense
Philomel Cottage (***) - Suspense
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg
The Track of the Cat (***) - Suspense
Clifton, Mark
Star, Bright (****) - X Minus One
Collier, John
Back for Christmas [also as 'Holiday Story'] (***) - Suspense
Wet Saturday (****) - Suspense
Collins, Wilkie
A Terribly Strange Bed (****) - Suspense
Connell, Richard
The Most Dangerous Game (****) - Suspense
Cram, Mildred
Time Found Again (**) - CBS Radio Workshop
Croft-Cooke, Robert
Banquo's Chair (**) - Suspense
de Camp, L. Sprague
A Gun for Dinosaur (****) - X Minus One
Dick, Philip K.
Colony (****) - X Minus One
The Defenders (***) - X Minus One
Dickens, Charles
The Signalman (****) - Suspense
Dickson, Gordon R.
Lulungomeena (**) - X Minus One
Dinelli, Mel
John Barbie and Son [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
A Tale of Two Sisters/The Ten Years [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
To Find Help (****) - Suspense
Doar, Graham
The Outer Limit (**) - Suspense / Dimension X / X Minus One
Eisinger, Jo
The Walls Came Tumbling Down (***) - Suspense
Finney, Jack
After the Movies [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
Fletcher, Lucille
The Hitchhiker [original radio play] (*****) - Suspense
The Search for Henri Lefevre [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
Sorry, Wrong Number [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
Galouye, Daniel F.
Shock Troop (***) - X Minus One
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
The Yellow Wallpaper (*****) - Suspense
Godwin, Tom
Cold Equations [original story: 'The Cold Equations'] (*****) - X Minus One
Gold, H. L.
At the Post (**) - X Minus One
The Old Die Rich (****) - X Minus One
Guin, Wyman
Volpla (*) - X Minus One
Gunn, James E.
The Cave of Night (***) - X Minus One
Open Warfare (**) - X Minus One
Tsylana (**) - X Minus One
Wherever You May Be (***) - X Minus One
Harvey, W. F.
August Heat (*****) - Suspense
Hecht, Ben
Actor's Blood (***) - Suspense
Heinlein, Robert A.
Destination Moon (**) - Dimension X
The Green Hills of Earth (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X / CBS Radio Workshop
Requiem (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Roads Must Roll (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Universe (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Herbert, A. P.
The House by the River (**) - Suspense
Hubbard, L. Ron
The Professor Was a Thief (**) - Dimension X
Hughes, Dorothy B.
In a Lonely Place (****) - Suspense
Hull, E. Mayne
Competition (*) - Dimension X
Huxley, Aldous
Brave New World (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Jacob's Hands [written with Christopher Isherwood] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Isherwood, Christopher
Jacob's Hands [written with Aldous Huxley] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Kaufman, George S.
The Dark Tower [written with Alexander Woollcott] (***) - Suspense
Kendrick, Baynard
Out of Control (**) - Suspense
Kinoy, Ernest
The Castaways [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Martian Death March [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Martian Sam [original radio play] (**) - X Minus One
Project Trojan [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One
Real Gone [original radio play] (**) - X Minus One
Shanghaied [original radio play] (*) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Kornbluth, Cyril M.
The Space Merchants [written with Frederik Pohl] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Lefferts, George
Hello, Tomorrow [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Man in the Moon [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
No Contact [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Parade [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Perigi's Wonderful Dolls [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Leiber, Fritz
Appointment in Tomorrow (***) - X Minus One
The Moon Is Green (**) - X Minus One
A Pail of Air (*****) - X Minus One
Leinster, Murray
First Contact (*****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
If You Was a Moklin (***) - X Minus One
A Logic Named Joe (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Lost Race (****) - Dimension X
Sam, This Is You (***) - X Minus One
Lesser, Milton
The Sense of Wonder (***) - X Minus One
Lewis, Sinclair
Young Man Axelbrod (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Lipsky, Eleazar
Infanticide (*) - Suspense
Love, Edmund G.
Subways Are for Sleeping (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
MacLean, Katherine
Pictures Don't Lie (***) - X Minus One
The Snowball Effect (****) - X Minus One
MacLeish, Archibald
Air Raid [original radio play] (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Maples, Richard
The Scapegoat (***) - X Minus One
McIntosh, J. T.
Hallucination Orbit (*****) - X Minus One
McKenty, Jack
A Thousand Dollars a Plate (**) - X Minus One
Mencken, H. L.
Bring on the Angels (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Nathan, Robert
A Pride of Carrots, or Venus Well-Served (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Report on the Weans (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Nourse, Alan E.
The Coffin Cure (**) - X Minus One
Prime Difference (**) - X Minus One
Phelps, Jr., A. H.
The Merchant of Venus (****) - X Minus One
Phillips, Peter
Field Study (**) - X Minus One
Piper, H. Beam
Time and Time Again (*****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Poe, Edgar Allan
Never Bet the Devil Your Head (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Pohl, Frederik
The Haunted Corpse (**) - X Minus One
The Mapmakers (****) - X Minus One
The Space Merchants [written with Cyril M. Kornbluth] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Target One (***) - X Minus One
Tunnel Under the World [original story: 'The Tunnel Under the World'] (*****) - X Minus One
Pratt, Fletcher
Dr. Grimshaw's Sanitarium (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Quattrocchi, Frank
Sea Legs (**) - X Minus One
Ramuz, Charles-Ferdinand
When the Mountain Fell (**) - CBS Radio Workshop
Randau, Carl
The Visitor [written with Leane Zugsmith] (***) - Suspense
Robinson, Frank M.
The Girls from Earth (**) - X Minus One
The Reluctant Heroes (****) - X Minus One
Untitled Story (***) - Dimension X
Rocklynne, Ross
Jaywalker (**) - X Minus One
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
The Little Prince (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Sayers, Dorothy L.
The Cave of Ali Baba [original story: 'The Adventurous Exploit of the Cave of Ali Baba'] (**) - Suspense
Schmitz, James H.
Caretaker (**) - X Minus One
Sellings, Arthur
The Category Inventor [original story: 'The Category Inventors'] (***) - X Minus One
Shaara, Michael
Soldier Boy (***) - X Minus One
Sheckley, Robert
Bad Medicine (**) - X Minus One
Death Wish (**) - X Minus One
Early Model (****) - X Minus One
Gray Flannel Armor (***) - X Minus One
The Lifeboat Mutiny (****) - X Minus One
The Native Problem (****) - X Minus One
Protection (***) - X Minus One
The Seventh Victim [original story: 'Seventh Victim'] (*****) - X Minus One
Skulking Permit (*****) - X Minus One
Something for Nothing (*****) - X Minus One
The Trap [original story: 'Trap'] (***) - X Minus One
A Wind Is Rising (**) - X Minus One
Shelton, Vaughn
Point of Departure (*) - X Minus One
Silverberg, Robert
Double Dare (***) - X Minus One
The Iron Chancellor (***) - X Minus One
Simak, Clifford D.
Courtesy (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Drop Dead (***) - X Minus One
How-2 (****) - X Minus One
Junkyard (***) - X Minus One
Lulu (**) - X Minus One
Project Mastodon (****) - X Minus One
Siodmak, Curt
Donovan's Brain (*) - Suspense
Smith, Evelyn
Man's Best Friend (***) - X Minus One
Sohl, Jerry
The Seventh Order (****) - X Minus One
Steele, Wilbur Daniel
Footfalls (***) - Suspense
Stewart, George R.
Storm (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Stribling, T. S.
A Passage to Benares (***) - Suspense
Sturgeon, Theodore
Mr. Costello, Hero (**) - X Minus One
A Saucer of Loneliness (****) - X Minus One
The Stars Are the Styx (***) - X Minus One
Tall, Stephen
The Lights on Precipice Peak (**) - X Minus One
Tenn, William
Child's Play (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Discovery of Morniel Mathaway (****) - X Minus One
Venus Is a Man's World (*) - X Minus One
Thurber, James
You Could Look It Up (*) - CBS Radio Workshop
Twain, Mark
Roughing It (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Vance, Jack
The Potters of Firsk (***) - Dimension X
Vonnegut, Kurt
Report on the Barnhouse Effect (***) - Dimension X
Wallace, F. L.
End As a World (****) - X Minus One
Student Body (****) - X Minus One
Williams, Emlyn
Night Must Fall (***) - Suspense
Williamson, Jack
With Folded Hands (****) - Dimension X
Wilson, Richard
Inside Story (***) - X Minus One
Wollheim, Donald A.
The Embassy (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Woollcott, Alexander
The Dark Tower [written with George S. Kaufman] (***) - Suspense
Woolrich, Cornell
After-Dinner Story (****) - Suspense
The Black Curtain (***) - Suspense
Deadline at Dawn (****) - Suspense
Dime a Dance (*****) - Suspense
If the Dead Could Talk (***) - Suspense
I Won't Take a Minute [original story: 'Finger of Doom'] (****) - Suspense
Last Night [original story: 'The Red Tide'] (****) - Suspense
The Night Reveals (***) - Suspense
The Singing Walls (***) - Suspense
The White Rose Murders [original story: 'The Death Rose'] (***) - Suspense
You'll Never See Me Again (***) - Suspense
You Take Ballistics (***) - Suspense
Zugsmith, Leane
The Visitor [written with Carl Randau] (***) - Suspense
Anderson, Poul
The Light (***) - X Minus One
Arr, Steven
Chain of Command (***) - X Minus One
Asimov, Isaac
The C-Chute (****) - X Minus One
Hostess (****) - X Minus One
Nightfall (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Pebble in the Sky (***) - Dimension X
Benét, Stephen Vincent
Elementals (***) - Suspense
The King of the Cats (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Nightmare [original story: 'The Revolt of the Machines'] (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Bentley, E. C.
Trent's Last Case (****) - Suspense
Blake, Nicholas
The Beast Must Die (****) - Suspense
Blish, James
Surface Tension (***) - X Minus One
Bloch, Robert
Almost Human (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Bond, Nelson
The Vital Factor [original story: 'Vital Factor'] (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Bradbury, Ray
Hail and Farewell (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Kaleidoscope (*****) - Suspense / Dimension X [****]
Marionettes, Inc. (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Riabouchinska (*****) - Suspense
To the Future (*****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Screaming Woman (*****) - Suspense
Season of Disbelief (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
The Veldt (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Zero Hour (*****) - Suspense / Dimension X [****] / X Minus One [****]
The Martian Chronicles (episodes in order of book chapters)
The Martian Chronicles (***) - Dimension X
Mars Is Heaven ['The Third Expedition'] (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
And the Moon Be Still as Bright (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Dwellers in Silence ['The Long Years'] (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
There Will Come Soft Rains (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Brown, Fredric
Knock (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Honeymoon in Hell (***) - X Minus One
The Last Martian (**) - X Minus One
Budrys, Algis
Protective Mimicry (***) - X Minus One
Burke, Thomas
The Hands of Mr. Ottermole (***) - Suspense
Burrage, A. M.
The Waxwork (*****) - Suspense
Carr, John Dickson
The Burning Court (***) - Suspense
Cabin B-13 [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
The Customers Like Murder [original radio play] (**) - Suspense
The Dead Sleep Lightly [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
The Devil in the Summer House [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
The Lord of the Witch Doctors [original radio play] (*) - Suspense
Menace in Wax [original radio play] (**) - Suspense
Nothing Up My Sleeve [original radio play] (**) - Suspense
Will You Make a Bet with Death? [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
Carter, Paul
The Last Objective (*) - Dimension X
Chandler, Raymond
Pearls Are a Nuisance (*****) - Suspense
Cheever, John
The Enormous Radio (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Christie, Agatha
The ABC Murders (***) - Suspense
Philomel Cottage (***) - Suspense
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg
The Track of the Cat (***) - Suspense
Clifton, Mark
Star, Bright (****) - X Minus One
Collier, John
Back for Christmas [also as 'Holiday Story'] (***) - Suspense
Wet Saturday (****) - Suspense
Collins, Wilkie
A Terribly Strange Bed (****) - Suspense
Connell, Richard
The Most Dangerous Game (****) - Suspense
Cram, Mildred
Time Found Again (**) - CBS Radio Workshop
Croft-Cooke, Robert
Banquo's Chair (**) - Suspense
de Camp, L. Sprague
A Gun for Dinosaur (****) - X Minus One
Dick, Philip K.
Colony (****) - X Minus One
The Defenders (***) - X Minus One
Dickens, Charles
The Signalman (****) - Suspense
Dickson, Gordon R.
Lulungomeena (**) - X Minus One
Dinelli, Mel
John Barbie and Son [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
A Tale of Two Sisters/The Ten Years [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
To Find Help (****) - Suspense
Doar, Graham
The Outer Limit (**) - Suspense / Dimension X / X Minus One
Eisinger, Jo
The Walls Came Tumbling Down (***) - Suspense
Finney, Jack
After the Movies [original radio play] (***) - Suspense
Fletcher, Lucille
The Hitchhiker [original radio play] (*****) - Suspense
The Search for Henri Lefevre [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
Sorry, Wrong Number [original radio play] (****) - Suspense
Galouye, Daniel F.
Shock Troop (***) - X Minus One
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
The Yellow Wallpaper (*****) - Suspense
Godwin, Tom
Cold Equations [original story: 'The Cold Equations'] (*****) - X Minus One
Gold, H. L.
At the Post (**) - X Minus One
The Old Die Rich (****) - X Minus One
Guin, Wyman
Volpla (*) - X Minus One
Gunn, James E.
The Cave of Night (***) - X Minus One
Open Warfare (**) - X Minus One
Tsylana (**) - X Minus One
Wherever You May Be (***) - X Minus One
Harvey, W. F.
August Heat (*****) - Suspense
Hecht, Ben
Actor's Blood (***) - Suspense
Heinlein, Robert A.
Destination Moon (**) - Dimension X
The Green Hills of Earth (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X / CBS Radio Workshop
Requiem (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Roads Must Roll (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Universe (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Herbert, A. P.
The House by the River (**) - Suspense
Hubbard, L. Ron
The Professor Was a Thief (**) - Dimension X
Hughes, Dorothy B.
In a Lonely Place (****) - Suspense
Hull, E. Mayne
Competition (*) - Dimension X
Huxley, Aldous
Brave New World (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Jacob's Hands [written with Christopher Isherwood] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Isherwood, Christopher
Jacob's Hands [written with Aldous Huxley] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Kaufman, George S.
The Dark Tower [written with Alexander Woollcott] (***) - Suspense
Kendrick, Baynard
Out of Control (**) - Suspense
Kinoy, Ernest
The Castaways [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Martian Death March [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Martian Sam [original radio play] (**) - X Minus One
Project Trojan [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One
Real Gone [original radio play] (**) - X Minus One
Shanghaied [original radio play] (*) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Kornbluth, Cyril M.
The Space Merchants [written with Frederik Pohl] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Lefferts, George
Hello, Tomorrow [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Man in the Moon [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
No Contact [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Parade [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Perigi's Wonderful Dolls [original radio play] (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Leiber, Fritz
Appointment in Tomorrow (***) - X Minus One
The Moon Is Green (**) - X Minus One
A Pail of Air (*****) - X Minus One
Leinster, Murray
First Contact (*****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
If You Was a Moklin (***) - X Minus One
A Logic Named Joe (****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Lost Race (****) - Dimension X
Sam, This Is You (***) - X Minus One
Lesser, Milton
The Sense of Wonder (***) - X Minus One
Lewis, Sinclair
Young Man Axelbrod (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Lipsky, Eleazar
Infanticide (*) - Suspense
Love, Edmund G.
Subways Are for Sleeping (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
MacLean, Katherine
Pictures Don't Lie (***) - X Minus One
The Snowball Effect (****) - X Minus One
MacLeish, Archibald
Air Raid [original radio play] (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Maples, Richard
The Scapegoat (***) - X Minus One
McIntosh, J. T.
Hallucination Orbit (*****) - X Minus One
McKenty, Jack
A Thousand Dollars a Plate (**) - X Minus One
Mencken, H. L.
Bring on the Angels (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Nathan, Robert
A Pride of Carrots, or Venus Well-Served (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Report on the Weans (*****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Nourse, Alan E.
The Coffin Cure (**) - X Minus One
Prime Difference (**) - X Minus One
Phelps, Jr., A. H.
The Merchant of Venus (****) - X Minus One
Phillips, Peter
Field Study (**) - X Minus One
Piper, H. Beam
Time and Time Again (*****) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Poe, Edgar Allan
Never Bet the Devil Your Head (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Pohl, Frederik
The Haunted Corpse (**) - X Minus One
The Mapmakers (****) - X Minus One
The Space Merchants [written with Cyril M. Kornbluth] (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Target One (***) - X Minus One
Tunnel Under the World [original story: 'The Tunnel Under the World'] (*****) - X Minus One
Pratt, Fletcher
Dr. Grimshaw's Sanitarium (**) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Quattrocchi, Frank
Sea Legs (**) - X Minus One
Ramuz, Charles-Ferdinand
When the Mountain Fell (**) - CBS Radio Workshop
Randau, Carl
The Visitor [written with Leane Zugsmith] (***) - Suspense
Robinson, Frank M.
The Girls from Earth (**) - X Minus One
The Reluctant Heroes (****) - X Minus One
Untitled Story (***) - Dimension X
Rocklynne, Ross
Jaywalker (**) - X Minus One
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
The Little Prince (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Sayers, Dorothy L.
The Cave of Ali Baba [original story: 'The Adventurous Exploit of the Cave of Ali Baba'] (**) - Suspense
Schmitz, James H.
Caretaker (**) - X Minus One
Sellings, Arthur
The Category Inventor [original story: 'The Category Inventors'] (***) - X Minus One
Shaara, Michael
Soldier Boy (***) - X Minus One
Sheckley, Robert
Bad Medicine (**) - X Minus One
Death Wish (**) - X Minus One
Early Model (****) - X Minus One
Gray Flannel Armor (***) - X Minus One
The Lifeboat Mutiny (****) - X Minus One
The Native Problem (****) - X Minus One
Protection (***) - X Minus One
The Seventh Victim [original story: 'Seventh Victim'] (*****) - X Minus One
Skulking Permit (*****) - X Minus One
Something for Nothing (*****) - X Minus One
The Trap [original story: 'Trap'] (***) - X Minus One
A Wind Is Rising (**) - X Minus One
Shelton, Vaughn
Point of Departure (*) - X Minus One
Silverberg, Robert
Double Dare (***) - X Minus One
The Iron Chancellor (***) - X Minus One
Simak, Clifford D.
Courtesy (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Drop Dead (***) - X Minus One
How-2 (****) - X Minus One
Junkyard (***) - X Minus One
Lulu (**) - X Minus One
Project Mastodon (****) - X Minus One
Siodmak, Curt
Donovan's Brain (*) - Suspense
Smith, Evelyn
Man's Best Friend (***) - X Minus One
Sohl, Jerry
The Seventh Order (****) - X Minus One
Steele, Wilbur Daniel
Footfalls (***) - Suspense
Stewart, George R.
Storm (****) - CBS Radio Workshop
Stribling, T. S.
A Passage to Benares (***) - Suspense
Sturgeon, Theodore
Mr. Costello, Hero (**) - X Minus One
A Saucer of Loneliness (****) - X Minus One
The Stars Are the Styx (***) - X Minus One
Tall, Stephen
The Lights on Precipice Peak (**) - X Minus One
Tenn, William
Child's Play (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
The Discovery of Morniel Mathaway (****) - X Minus One
Venus Is a Man's World (*) - X Minus One
Thurber, James
You Could Look It Up (*) - CBS Radio Workshop
Twain, Mark
Roughing It (***) - CBS Radio Workshop
Vance, Jack
The Potters of Firsk (***) - Dimension X
Vonnegut, Kurt
Report on the Barnhouse Effect (***) - Dimension X
Wallace, F. L.
End As a World (****) - X Minus One
Student Body (****) - X Minus One
Williams, Emlyn
Night Must Fall (***) - Suspense
Williamson, Jack
With Folded Hands (****) - Dimension X
Wilson, Richard
Inside Story (***) - X Minus One
Wollheim, Donald A.
The Embassy (***) - X Minus One / Dimension X
Woollcott, Alexander
The Dark Tower [written with George S. Kaufman] (***) - Suspense
Woolrich, Cornell
After-Dinner Story (****) - Suspense
The Black Curtain (***) - Suspense
Deadline at Dawn (****) - Suspense
Dime a Dance (*****) - Suspense
If the Dead Could Talk (***) - Suspense
I Won't Take a Minute [original story: 'Finger of Doom'] (****) - Suspense
Last Night [original story: 'The Red Tide'] (****) - Suspense
The Night Reveals (***) - Suspense
The Singing Walls (***) - Suspense
The White Rose Murders [original story: 'The Death Rose'] (***) - Suspense
You'll Never See Me Again (***) - Suspense
You Take Ballistics (***) - Suspense
Zugsmith, Leane
The Visitor [written with Carl Randau] (***) - Suspense